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TikTok's Favourite Mom: Makenzie Madison


I want to first say thank you to Maddy for reaching out to me and giving me the opportunity to talk with you all! I’ll start by introducing myself! My name is Makenzie, and I am 24 years old. I also am a mother to my beautiful little girl Jessabelle. Over the past year I have been gaining a following as per being a single mom. As much as I love to show you are capable of achieving an amazing life as a single mom, I realized I needed to do more. About 5 years ago my life was completely flipped upside down. I went from feeling like I was on a path to a great future, to being sexually assaulted within a month of owning my new place, having to take time off of work, falling into a deep depression, slowly watching my bank account fade away and nearly having to declare bankruptcy, and finding myself in the psychiatric unit of the hospital after a failed suicide attempt. Which is why I’ve started to incorporate mental health/sexual assault awareness throughout my platforms. The amazing thing with technology and social media, is that with every platform there is an algorithm, and by using that you can reach new people everyday and touch the hearts of those who need it most. Mental health is so important, but it’s also important to understand that everyone is different. We all need to realize that what might help us, may not always help others around us. So the important thing is to find what that looks like for you and don’t give yourself a timeline! Healing takes time, and finding balance. But, I PROMISE you, it does get better! And trust me I have been on the side that constantly thinks it won’t. The most refreshing feeling is waking up and realizing you can’t really remember the last time you felt that “ick”. Be patient and gentle with yourself, and give yourself time to heal, don’t rush, and figure out healthy coping mechanisms that work for you, and cling to that. 5 years ago I had no desire to live, and didn’t think that this life was worth the pain I was in. Today I have so much to live for and look forward to! I’ve found healthy coping mechanisms that work for me to stop me from spiralling again! I believe in you 💛

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